I just dropped Mom off for her first day of work. She was really excited and I know she was nervous too. We sat down last night before bed and had a good talk about the fact that she has been off work for a year now and it was time for her to get back at it. I told her about all the new friends she was going to make and that she may even recognize a few other moms from the park or the rink and that everyone was going to like her and not to worry. I could see she was getting upset and I asked her what was wrong. "Well I have only worn sweatpants for the last year and I still need to lose a lot of weight. None of my clothes from before I was pregnant fit me any more and since I haven't been working for a year I can't afford to buy any new ones. What if the other moms make fun of me and call me fat or laugh because my pants are too short and I am still wearing nursing bras?"
"Don't worry all the other moms are going to like you and before you know it you will be eating lunch in the staff room and going for a glass of wine at 5 with everyone else."
I reassured her that I was going to be fine without her too. It would do us some good to have a few hours away from one another and I would have some time to catch up on my shows, naps and playing with my friends. Just because I was going to the sitter I wasn't going to stop loving her or forget that she was my mom or be mad when I saw her after work just the opposite in fact I would be so glad to see her at the end of the day.
The big day came and we were all up early, I don't think mom slept much last night but she was all showered and had her hair and makeup done. I hardly recognized her! I took her for a coffee to celebrate the big day. I had packed the camera and video camera and may have went a bit overboard on the coverage of mom's big day back to work but I know someday she will appreciate all the memories.
We pulled up to the office and parked near the door. Lots of other kids were dropping their moms off too. Everyone looked excited and the moms were dressed in their best clothes, there is always that one mom that has matching designer earrings, bracelet, ring, purse, shoes you know the one that made all the other mom's second guess what they were wearing. If that mom makes my mom feel bad I might yank one of those earrings right out of her head. Mom was a trooper though she went right on in and hung up her coat and brief case. I gave her a big hug and told her I was so proud of her and before she knew it I would be back to pick her up. The other kids were hugging their moms and some of the moms were hanging on to their kids and were crying and even said they didn't want to go to work that they just wanted to go back home and put on their sweats and watch Dr. Phil. I thought I had better get out of there quickly before my mom started to cry too. I gave her one last squeeze and sent her off to her desk. I stayed strong for her until I made it out the door and into the hall and then I bawled my eyes out.
"My mommy I am going to miss my mommy!" This was the hardest thing I ever had to do and now here I was with the next eight hours without my mommy. What had I done? Maybe I should go back in there and get her. Why did I ever say she could go back to work. Then I pressed my nose up against the window to see that my mom had made a new friend. They were chatting by the water cooler and mom was laughing and looked so happy. I knew she was going to be fine.
Hi Corla,
I have been snooping around in your blog and LOVE IT...This post is great, enjoyed the different perspective of "going back to work". great stuff!
Donna Kirk
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