Our hotel in Vancouver was unbelievable. The one whole wall opened up with patio doors and overlooked the habour.
Pat is such an entertainer that even in a hotel room he can whip up something and invite over guests.
An art exhibit outside our hotel. Can you find Waldo?

Feels like giving birth.
A Dragon sighting at the seawall in Vancouver. Pat and I passed Jim and looked at each other and said, "That's Jim!" I turned and said, "Jim!" He turned and I was so excited, I said "Hi Jim, It's us Pat and Corla from Swift Current we met you in Toronto in May." I am sure he meets a million people but was so kind to stop and take a picture with Pat. He looks like he could be Uncle Jim. I am sure many people wouldn't recognize this owner of BPs and Mr. Lube but I spend most of my day thinking about Dragon's Den so it was easy for me! What a great guy.
For those of you wondering if you have missed us on Dragon's Den, we have not been on yet but fingers crossed for just after Christmas.
I am waiting for the day we are retired and can go on a cruise and Pat and I will definitely be sporting the matching floral or tie dyed shirts. Maybe for our 20th Anniversary. Levi will be 24 so I have already booked him and his wife to watch the kids while we are gone on our cruise.
Our first night in Vancouver we walked half a block to the most fabulous restaurant called Cardero's. Flat bread to die for, raw oyster, seafood chowder, and great BC wine to mention a few. We sat up at the bar and watched the kitchen staff send out appys, meals and amazing desserts like Creme Brulee finished off with a blow torch. Pat was in heaven.
Here we are at the site of the Olympic Flame. Amazing at night.
Pat having an idea.
We set the camera on a bench with the auto timer, then ran and tried to jump in the air.
Workers replacing the sails at Canada Place. My nephew is so smart he told me that before I showed him the pictures. I didn't know what they were doing.
Our trip focussed a lot on food! This was the guacamole from Don Guacamole's.
This is for our Ukrainian friend Lori who loves the Garlic!
Took the ferry to North Vancouver to the Quay market for sushi!
The first thing we saw when we walked into the Market.
I drank a LOT of coffee on this trip.
This crepe looked good but int he middle.... a hair. The only disappointment of the whole trip.
The Toronto Raptors were doing PR on the streets and we enjoyed the displays that were set up.
Some free souvienrs for the kids from the Family Channel. We LOVE the Family Chanel and the t-shirts say, "Family- Never a Dull moment" How true.
A market at Granville Island.
The Vancouver Art Gallery
I put my life in my husband's hands as we rented this scooter on a rainy Vancouver day.
The guy assured me Pat seemed to know what he was doing.
Please don't kill us.
Surprise! More food. They claimed to have Vancouver's best cheesecake so I had to check for myself. Yup pretty good.
We took a few pictures during out stroll.
What a good looking guy I am married to.
Carson asked me why I was wearing a blanket when I left home with this one. My mommy made it for me and I love it!
We were thrilled to have the opportunity to listen to and meet Hailey Wickenheiser. Funny that we had to travel so far to hear from someone from Shaunavon.
I have talked before about Moms that I admire. Here is another amazing example. A Saskatchewan Mom who is the best in the World at what she does. My favourite part of her presentation was when she said she came home from the Olympics and winning a GOLD medal. After training for four years and having a dream come true she wasn't sure what to do once she got home. She sat on her front step for a few minutes then went into the house and did a load of laundry. Even Olympic Gold Medalist Hailey does laundry! Super mom for sure.
The ferry to Victoria Island. A beautiful experience. Pat gave up the fanny pack for a back pack this trip.
Our beautiful hotel. Thank goodness Pat is our travel agent or we would have been sleeping under the bridge.
We told our concierge, that it was our 10th wedding Anniversary and he recommended a romantic Italian restaurant called
Il Terrazo. Such a great night!! The food was amazing but it was too dark for pictures.
The Romance Package!
Breakfast at the hotel restaurant Lure.
Pat standing by the SS Beaver. It is right across from Red Fish Blue Fish. It is a waterside restaurant in a metal container. Best Fish and Chips in Victoria. We ordered wayyyyy to much food.
A great Mexican restaurant in Victoria
Self Explanatory.
Another Dragon's Den stop a block from our hotel in Victoria. Wanna Waffle was featured on the show this year and the Dragons loved them. I loved there story and now I can say first hand I loved their waffles. They were actually in Toronto on the same day we taped and remembered our five kids! We are all part of the club.
One of the highlights of the trip was Whale Watching. These are porpoises swimming under our boat. We had a chance to visit with a nice couple on the boat and guess where they were from....Saskatchewan.
One of the guides was from Australia and asked if we would like a jacket or a warm hat. We said, "YES" wasn't sure what a warm hat would be but it was a fluorescent orange toque.
I think Pat would have liked to keep his "warm hat" since it said, "Rocky"!
The hour and a half trip out in the cold was worth it to see the Orcas.
I'm the King of the World.
Another great place to walk through. Floating houses.
This guy lived there and you could buy fish to feed him.
It was beautiful down by the water.
Red Fish Blue Fish. No Miss K it is not a Dr. Suess Movie.
One legged Willy. How can you say no to this guy begging for scraps.
Mark one of my life list. Have tea at the Empress Hotel in Victoria. I heard my Grandmother talk about this for years and I have always wanted to experience it.
I am sure this will score Pat a lot of points with his rec hockey team the Chiefs.
This jam is currently in my purse. I wonder how long it will stay there?
On the Ferry trip back to Vancouver Pat scouted out the First Class Lounge. You pay $12 and get to sit in peace and quiet in a kid free zone with food and beverages.