Friday, November 26, 2010


I have walked through my garage door in the past to find many many things at the circus house but none was as shocking as the scene I came upon on this day.  I walked in to find the teenagers that I had left in charge had cleaned the kitchen, tubbed the children and were sitting studying at the kitchen table with none other than the little sisters.  Needless to say I was in a complete state of shock.  Maybe there is hope for us yet!

Levi not thrilled to have his Mom capturing this special moment.  Hey then don't complain about not enough time on the blog dude. 

Put down the camera!  Ok Ok Cool Guy.

Monday, November 22, 2010

We know they can Dance!

Last week we were excited to get a chance to watch our dancers in action.  The studio had a "Watch Week".  It was nice to see how excited the kids were to be ther.  

Look at me!
Everyone wants to be by the boy!
Kels is surrounded by girls.  Lucky guy.  In the routine he gets to lift a girl.  He has been practicing with Car at home and if he doesn't get the moves right he knocks him to the ground.  I hope he doesn't do that in class.

Watching big brother.
Follow the leader.

Are you watching?
Big Smile
He's sticking his tongue out to help him concentrate.

Wow what a stretch.
She looks like Miss Melissa's puppet.  
Concentrating like her Dad.
Gabbing like her Mom.

Great Job!
Speaking of Dance.  I do carry all kinds of Dancewear at the store including bodysuits, tights, and most recently this team wear.  It comes in black and can be embroidered.  Jackets, pants, capris, tank tops, headbands, bootie shorts and even black cuddle bubbles.  If your team is interested email me  They come from size 4-ladies 8. Thanks to my lovely model.

Would you mind?

There is a great website called, "Momversation"  that I visit regularly.  They are witty, intelligent moms that discuss topics of interest to moms and families.  They are looking for new bloggers.  If you have a spare minute if you could nominate me for the task.  There is a blue and red nominate dohickey at the top of the blog.

Or click here  Nominate

Thanks muchly and have a fantabulous day!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Motherhood Video

As I have told you before I have spent 45 months of my life pregnant and 60 months breastfeeding!  Today I came across an interesting video made as a marketing piece for a company that makes and sells breastfeeding bras.  I love supporting mom businesses and here is a bit about the owner of Nummies.

Alison Kramer is a mom of three and owner of Nummies nursing bras. A Waldorf parent, hot yoga addict and reluctant runner, Alison loves her busy life balancing the ups and downs of running a business while being a parent.
Before kids, Alison was a Kinesiology graduate (never practiced) and Social Worker (barely practiced).  Nummies was named for her children’s word for breastfeeding, which she's been practicing in love for seven years.

So What would you tell yourself if you could go back in time?  I would need a whole day I am sure.  Things like, "Someday this baby you are breastfeeding will ask you everyday for a blackberry!"  I could think of about a million of those but I think the biggest thing I would tell myself would be , "Enjoy this, it will be over faster then you know it!."

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Lizzard

Here is a picture of the little Lizard I gave birth to two years ago with little more effort than a sneeze she slid into the world while only her Dad stood by watching!  Such a precious little bundle she only weighed 5 pounds she was ten days early and I think a bit undercooked.  A little disappointing since I was hoping to give birth to a waterbuffalo sized baby around 53 pounds so I would have less to lose.  

Two years has passed far to quickly I barely remember when my precious baby didn't even fit into her own skin!

We started the days celebration with Mom's super special from a box pancakes.  I would have put chocolate chips in them but SOME people eat them right out of the bag. (ok it's me)
 There are many comments that Levi doesn't make the blog very often but look at this.  Hey I think it's funny that he made himself boiling hot cappucino but he probably will be mad.
 Quiet coloring while mom gets ready for the toddler party.
 I braided Ellie's hair and put on a party dress.  Until the kids showed up she said over and over.  "I no like i! I know like it"  Sorry it's painful to be pretty.
 The aftermath.  And to think she won't even remember this party.  Last year I got her a present from the basement and put it in a gift bag.  This year I didn't even bother.  She will be old enough soon to be asking for everything in the Wish Book.

 And Pat spent the whole night before cleaning up so it would look nice for the party!  Sorry hunny.
 Well we started the day with markers why not end it with markers.  Her sister put her red dance lipstick on her cheeks and it wouldn't wash off.

Then add permanent marker to the table and her lips and cookie.  Perfection!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Make The Connection!

Like many of you parents another weekend just passed with many many hours spent at the local arena.  One topic that kept coming up as the moms sat in the loby between periods eating rink burgers was cooking meals.  I know not everyone is as lucky as me to have Patty cooking for the family but now you too can have a Patti make you a home cooked meal.  Dinner Connection to the rescue.  A lovely lady named Patti will do all the work for you!  Shopping, preparing, and clean up for your family supper and all you have to do is pick it up.  Don't want to do even that much?  They will deliver within Swift Current limits for $10.

Get a group of moms together and someone brings up Dinner Connection.  "Oh I have heard of that.  What did your family think?"  The answers vary from, "It was delicious, the kids loved it and we had leftovers", "The garlic shrimp is amazing", "The prices are so reasonable and no work involved", "The slow cooker meals are so easy."

My Patty had to leave town for a meeting and instead of hitting a drive thru I phoned Dinner Connection and ran over and picked up two meals.  For the night he was gone we had beef enchiladas.  I made myself some weight watcher food which I ate and then ended up eating half an enchilada because they looked so darn good!  

 The cool reusable bags.
What a sport.  After a day of cooking she was still up for an impromptu photo shoot!

The second meal I put in the oven the next day and took the kids to swimming.  I got a text from my hubby when he arrived back home from a long day of meetings it said..."Do I need to make anything to go with this yummy looking/smelling casserole in the oven?"  He actually thought I made it and then doubted if I had been passing off Dinner Connection meals as my own in the past!

If you are a busy mom like me.  (The two words are synonymous) I encourage you to give the other Patti a call and get some great family meals in your freezer for the long hockey season ahead! She will even do your Christmas baking for you!

(I meant to take pictures of the meals but we were ate them too fast!  But they looked good, you'll have to trust me)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Breast Friends enter the Den

For all you Dragon's Dens fans please tune in December 8th to watch 10 of the most passionate, kind, funny, giving ladies I have ever met pitch to the Dragons. 

Their fourth cookbook just came out and it is a Christmas cookbook.  It would be a great present for a loved one.  Who could resist good old Saskatchewan recipes tried and tested by 10 Grandmas!

Dragon's Den Blog

Join them on Facebook

My mother in law is hiding in this picture but she is on the far right in the picture below and in the green vest in the bottom picture.  

This is their story copied with permission from Gateway publishing

Breast Cancer Fundraising Cookbook has now raised over One Million!

A breast cancer fundraising cookbook that started out as an idea among 10 women from the small Canadian town of Foam Lake, Saskatchewan, has become a bestseller and raised over one million. The Breast Friends fundraising group was so successful with their first three cookbooks that they produced a fourth fundraising cookbook with Gateway Publishing Inc. entitled Breast Wishes from Breast Friends - Women working together for a cure.

“We approached Gateway with an idea for breast cancer fundraising that quickly became reality. Our breast cancer and cancer fundraising cookbooks have garnered national media attention and strong continuing sales. A big part of our success can be attributed to Gateway’s professional cookbooks and its helpful staff. Gateway’s flexible approach has helped us grow from a small organization with a vision to a growing foundation that distributes cookbooks that serve a very meaningful purpose.”

For The Breasts of Friends, Foam Lake, Saskatchewan

If you are considering a fundraising cookbook for your organization and would like to learn more, please contact us Toll Free at 1 (800) 665-4878 or e-mail us at for a free package on how to develop your own fundraising cookbook.

Breast Friends Fundraising Group - A Little History
The Breast Friends came together as a group of menopausal women from a small Saskatchewan community that, like most women, had been affected by breast cancer in their families, friends or colleagues.

Linda Helgason, one of the founders, had a scare with her own health and with the loss of some very special people, decided to ride with the Prairie Women on Snowmobiles to raise money for breast cancer research. Nine friends jumped on board to act as her fundraising committee and became Breast Friends.

The group decided to host a banquet in their small rural community to raise $3,000. The banquet was a great success to say the least. They raised $8,000. During the banquet and for many days after, the committee was asked for copies of the recipes for the dishes that they served. Another idea blossomed.

“Let’s publish a book with the banquet recipes, and a collection of our favorite recipes, and make money for breast cancer research.”

The “For The Breasts Of Friends” fundraising cookbook was the result.

Fast Forward - Where Breast Friends Are At Today

"For The Breasts of Friends" fundraising cookbook #1 hit the marketplace in June 2004 to raise funds for the fight against breast cancer. The book became a national bestseller in less than three months.

"For The Breasts And The Rest of Friends" cookbook #2 hit the marketplace in January 2006 and was dedicated to fight all cancers. It was consistent with the high standards of book one and actually garnered the golden national bestseller seal before book #1.

The third cookbook in the series, Breast Wishes from Breast Friends - Women working together for a cure, was launched in April 2008. Pre-production orders for the book were so overwhelming that the book was actually a national bestseller before it even hit the shelves.

Breast Wishes is a celebration of life. It is dedicated to the many women living with, and in spite of breast cancer. It speaks to the small positive steps that are being made toward combating the disease. It talks about the strength of women and the importance of girlfriends. It makes us laugh and it serves up food for thought.

All three cookbooks are truly comprehensive, each with over 400 uncomplicated, certain-to-please recipes, from delectable appetizers, salads and well-known family favorite entrees, to comforting soups and scrumptious desserts.

The cookbooks are illustrated with appealing color photographs and also feature cancer facts and advice. These unique fundraising books also contain beautiful quotes and quips that will make you smile. They are dedicated to loved ones that have lost the fight against cancer and to the hope that we will soon see the end to this dreaded disease.

To date $1 000 000 has been donated. 

Our Latest Cookbook
Breast Wishes for Christmas
Breast Friends cookbooks have generated over a million dollars in the fight against cancer. The ten Breast Friends, energized by hitting this wonderful milestone, have gleaned and gathered all of their Christmas family favourite recipes. They've included some seasonal quotes and some heart warming holiday stories in this beautiful Christmas collection.
Their hope is that season after season this book, and the good grass roots work that is being done through it's sales can continue to bring folks some measure of comfort and joy.
Net profits from each book are donated to cancer agencies, equipment, research and patient needs.The group makes every effort to make donations in areas where books are sold.
Each book costs only $14.95 plus GST and shipping.