One of the more frequently searched topics on my blog is ideas for Splurge Groups. We are on our 3rd go around for our splurge group. The idea is to have 12 members and each month one of the members is in charge of planning a fun activity. Every month members bring $20 and the person hosting the event takes the money and then "splurges" on something for themselves. Whether it is a trip to the spa, that new pair of boots you have been admiring in the window of your local store or wine and chocolate. The main rule is it is not money to be used for your children's soccer fees, the water bill or groceries it is something to treat yourself. At the next gathering you report in "show and tell" fashion what you spent your splurge money on.
We have evolved to just bring a bottle of wine for the organizer instead of the $20 as it was sometimes a chore to figure out who had paid and who was missing and collect later. Some groups have a type of treasurer and write 12 post dated checks. Others pool their money and then go shopping and use the money they have set aside. Any way you organize it the point is kid free fun for a few hours. You must stay out until your children and husband are asleep and sneak quietly back to your home refreshed and recharged!
My last two times planning splurge were polar opposites. The first was a time when everyone was quite busy and we were unable to find a date that worked so I secretly put together a small gift bag and a card. I chose someone from our group and bought a few items I thought would be appealing to her, lipgloss a magazine and a few chocolate bars. I put them in the gift bag and wrote on the card. " Here is a little something to let you know I hope you have a great day. Please pass this gift bag on to someone on the list of your choosing in the next week and fill the bag with something you think they would like. " I listed all the girls' names and checked the person I had given the gift to.
It was fun to hear the reactions as each girl passed on the gift. Whether they were having a bad day and the gift lifted their spirits or they were caught completely off guard and then were excited to pass it on I loved getting the feedback as the bag traveled around.
The next time it was my turn to plan splurge just happened to be the
same month as my 40th birthday so I planned an overnight trip to Moose
Jaw. I put up a message on Facebook asking for suggestions for great
and different things to do in Moose Jaw. After many glowing
recommendations I made a reservation at
Kergano's restaurant . We had such a great time trying new drinks, appetizers and food.
The staff was great at recommending and customizing. For me they made a caramel machiato martini. It had a chocolate covered coffee bean at the bottom. Delicious!
Some of the staff was Ukrainian so we enjoyed the dancing and perogies. He almost lost his sunglasses!
Then after we were thoroughly fed and watered the staff got up and entertained us with music. Such a fun atmosphere.
They even let us join in and passed out instruments. After seeing this picture I wish I would have brushed my hair after swimming at the spa.
If you go and visit when you are paying your bill you can look up and see where the crazy girls from Swift Current signed the bar after a great night of Splurge! There were no tigers in the hotel room and I didn't wake up with any teeth missing but it was an amazing trip!
Please share if you have any ideas, stories or suggestions for
splurge either here in the comments, on my facebook or email me at . I love to hear about ladies starting their
own groups!
Here is a link to Slice that I found with some suggestions.
Plan a Girl's Night Out