Passing on holiday traditions to our children is important to us so it was great visiting Foam Lake attending Pat's Baba's Greek Orthodox church. We had our paska blessed. Our basket contained yummy things for us to eat on Easter morning including beautiful Ukrainian Easter Eggs and the beautiful bread made by Baba.
After church Olivia played her violin for Baba.
When we woke up on Easter Morning the Easter Bunny had been for a visit. I know these aren't Snappy Socks. But still cute and Eastery!
After the hunt the kids put all the eggs in the middle and they each got their share.
Reminds me a bit of the halloween candy sorting from a few years ago........Then our Easter tour continued to my mom's house. The kids watched the recording of the Royal Wedding.
So sweet holding hands.
Ellie decided she needed to have a hat on like everyone on TV. Then as the Royal Guards followed the couple in their carriage she changed into a more armoured headware.
Tuckered out at the end of the day.
I know the kids will look back fondly on the memories they make with their Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and cousins during our visits. ( I will tell you about our 2 visits to the E.R. another day!)