Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hello You!

One of the fun things I do during the day is check my stats for the blog. I love to see where people are reading from. It just tells me the city where you are (don't worry no conspiracy theory I can't see into your computer I would love to know who you are from Hermosa Beach California though! Feel free to sign the guest book)

The really fun ones are what people search for on google and then are directed here. The biggest search that brings people here other than Corla or circus house is "Beersbee". Today someone searched "busy boobie lawn care" and was directed to this site. I am busy and I do talk about boobies a lot but lawn care must be from the one time Levi decided to mow the lawn and was going to start a business and never mowed the lawn again. But hey maybe there is a demand for that business "Busy Boobie Lawn Care" I know there may be a few guys willing to pay for that. Dragon's Den here I come.

I just wanted to say thanks again for coming to read and I promise (yes Miss K) there is some cute photos of the kids and a few of the destruction and meltdowns that the first few weeks of back to school and activities have brought. Just a reminder to send me your cute, funny, or interesting stories or pictures for the contest I will announce a winner Monday and share the winning picture or story for a free sitting and 8x10. I guess if you live in India or the Netherlands maybe I will have to send you an 8x10 of my work. I haven't figured that one out yet!

Let's play who had the first meltdown of the school year was it
A Corla
B Carson
C The bus driver
D Levi

The answer and a picture tomorrow I promise.

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