Sunday, May 15, 2011

Betties Rule!

Mama Muffin Top, Sock it to Them,  or maybe Iwill Rok U.  Just picking out a Derby name after last nights incredible Break Out Bout for Swift Current's own Redneck Betties Roller Derby team.  The group has been in existence for less than a year and with some ladies starting from barely knowing how to skate, their premier performance was nothing less than amazing!  The final score was 166-141 with the Betties beating the Moose Jaw in a hard fought battle.

If you had asked me on Friday if I would consider joining the roller derby team I may have said yes but after watching in awe last night at the bumping, hitting, falling and generally hurt the teams put on one another I think I may have a different answer.  I am hobbling around from a slow pitch game on Friday night!  But if you looked at the faces of the winning derby crew I think you could see that it had all been worth it!

The girls have not only put in hours on the track honing their skills attending practices late in the evening 2- 3 times a week they have also been working hard bar-tending events, doing bake sales for charity and creating a complete brand for their team with merchandising, posters and even baby onsies!  The ladies have families, full time jobs, businesses and lives and still they make time to do something that they obviously love!  It is inspiring. Here is a video from the making of their calendar that I had such a fun time doing.  

What was also inspiring was the community support.  There were numerous business sponsors that provided financial support, proud friends and family in the packed bleachers cheering on their moms, daughters, sisters co-workers. There is a whole derby community and there were lots of people out from across Saskatchewan to lend a hand and officiate.  The feeling in the air was electric!  And in the end the Betties won.  I expected to find the girls at a table celebrating all the hard work that had made the evening run so well but instead they were spread throughout the cabaret clearing tables, picking up empties, selling pizza, working security at the door ( I saw little Trixie Vixen kick a young fella out for not having a wrist band and she didn't back down.  She was as tough a bouncer as she was a jammer on the track).  Just goes to show that even when I am sure they were exhausted they wanted to make sure all their guests had a great time!

Well we sure did. I had to take my 9 yr old date home as she wasn't old enough to stay at the cabaret so I pitted in with a great group of gals.  I told them if my splurge group saw me hanging out with another splurge group I might be in big trouble.  I also got to meet an online friend from Facebook and blogger.  It's nice to meet someone in person when you feel like you already know them. She is darling online and even more so in real life.   Here is a link to her fun blog.  

Betties, I am so proud of all of you.  You have shown us what a dream and a lot of hard work can accomplish.

 The officials.  A colorful crew.
 The girls getting psyched up.
 Equipment check to make sure they don't have spikes or brass knuckles.
 The opposition.  The Moose Jaw Lil Chicago team.
 One of the mcs Doom Cookie.
 There were a lot of collisions.  And you have 3 sec to get up or you get a penalty. May take my 3 weeks and a walker.

 Breaking through the pack.  They did a great job in educating the audience about Derby.
 Trixie Vixen.  Also a tough bouncer!
 She has the star on her helmet so she can score points.  Leaving the MJ jammer in the dust.

And the winners!


Connie said...

YAY Betties! Sorry I missed it! I bet it was a ton of fun!

Vic & The Wearmouths said...

Yep, Betties do rule! Great to meet you "in real life" but it was funny, I totally felt like I knew you already!!! Thanks for the blog shout out lady!