Monday, May 9, 2011

What to do during a Teachers' Strike.

After 10 days off with the kids and then three back at school we had another 4 day weekend because of a strike day and a pd day.  SO on Friday I organized a play date in the park.  I just put out an all call on Facebook and picked the time and place.  A quick trip to Tim Horton's for a jug of coffee and away we went.  The wind was a bit overwhelming so the party ended a bit sooner then we had planned but it was a lot of fun!
 A great way to meet some new friends or to catch up with the moms in your area.  We are going to meet up this Friday as well.  If you want details it will be on my facebook events.
 Olivia has started watching Extreme Couponing.  She loves all the TLC shows.  When the Booster arrived this week she set out to clip every coupon in sight.  Looks like we will be investing in a 12 pack of pickled onions and a new mattress.

 When she sets her mind to something she is very determined and focused!

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