Monday, February 28, 2011

Sausage Party

Guys can turn anything into a get together, trip to the dump, cleaning out the garage, a football draft, a golf tournament and the most manly of all get togethers is the sausage making party.  To provide food for your family and touch raw meat must speak to the inner cave man inside my husband because he loves making sausage.  This year we made it a family event and the kids came out to help turning it into another great memory.  The day started off with a coffee and sandwich run to Tims.  
 One of us is too cool to wear a coat.  

 Feeding 7 people for under 30 bucks and mom has her coffee.
 When we got to the farm the preparations were already under way for Yummy hamburger soup.
 A little something extra for the coffee.

 My friend Mrs K is a true pioneer woman and was cooking and baking for the whole crew.
 The finished product.  I will have to ask her for the recipe if I ever want to make it.  Pat never uses a recipe.
 The kids played.
 Finally walls that are ok to draw on.
 Kelsey manned the crank all day long.  The guys said the kids were awesome.  Glad to hear your kids are good workers.
 Ahhh the plaid jacket so manly.  I have spoke lovingly of it in the past  Plaid Dad

 The most touching moment of the whole day. The fourteen year old that didn't want to get out of bed on a Sunday is up and at it and working, wearing Dad's jacket and here there are sharing Blackberry pins.  Yes I broke down and let Levi get a Blackberry after a year of pestering.  If I had $1 for everytime he said Blackberry his bill would be paid up for a decade.  (I know Pat will make some comment about side profile pics)

My friend Mrs K got sick of seeing Levi's pants falling down or rather seeing his boxers so she gave him a piece of Christmas ribbon to tie up his pants.

 The delivery man rides a bike.
 Lunch Time!

 My friend Mrs S and her awesome Treatsa Pizza

 While the boys worked we had a makeover!
 What?  No one called Cinderella in from the sausage making.

 My awesome friend KP who looks stylish even when washing up sausage dishes.  Jealous!
 The secret recipe held up on a saddle!
 My friend taking pity on my kids who don't have winter gear to go sliding.

 The clean up
 Our friend who traded his boots for my dress shoes so I could take Ellie for a slide down the hill.
 Do I need to say anything?

 The kids sliding.
 The hole I had to crawl through to get her to the hill and then I think there was an electric fence in the way so I gave up.
 My oldest and youngest.  Warms my heart.  Another awesome family memory.

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