Monday, April 12, 2010

Plaid Dad- My Super Hero

Please be forewarned I will be bragging about my awesome husband in the upcoming post so if you have a problem with that don't read this and come back tomorrow and there will probably be a picture of something Carson has wrecked that I will share with you for your viewing pleasure. I am sorry if the guy in your life is not a Super Hero clad in a decade old plaid work coat who is completely incapable of any landscaping job or trip to the dump unless he is wearing his mystical, magical man coat but my guy is. What super powers does Plaid Dad have you may wonder? I am glad you asked.

After a long day of work Plaid Dad has been known to swoop in and rescue a frazzled damsel in distress. In the blink of an eye supper will be on the table and any sibling squabbles are quickly put to an end and chores and homework are checked on. His super powers go on to include quick and efficient tub time and lights out and everyone asleep without a peep and in their own beds! Somehow kids listen to Plaid Dad and do what they are asked. The house is an easier place when he is at home. Clean happy kids with teeth and hair brushed, meals on the table that don't come out of a blue box that require you add cheese powder.

At the end of a long Easter break which felt even longer when the weather turned nasty and five kids were stuck in the house fighting and bored and the baby was sick I felt such relief to know help was on its way! Olivia and I started the weekend early getting ready for Dance rehearsal. The scene was frantic as we ran out of time (even though we got up at 6:30) there was so much to do with fake eyelashes and costumes, shoes, fake hair and so many bobby pins! When we returned home at lunch we were greeted with homemade chicken soup and grilled meatloaf sandwiches. . That night supper was amazing as Pat had been itching to make Greek meat patties from an episode of Diners Drive Inns and Dives! On Sunday I spent the whole day down at the office working to catch up from the week at home with the kids and Plaid Dad was in full force cleaning the backyard and preparing to cook our supper over our fire pit.

Greek style meat patties. The picture doesn't do them justice. Half ground pork, half ground beef covered with sauteed garlic, onion, green pepper and tomatoes.

Goes great with red wine and asiago salad.

Plaid Dad plays baseball in the newly cleaned backyard with the kids. An old broom handle and a red nerf ball will do in a pinch.

Kelsey is being easy and pitching underhand to Dad. The first basemen is standing awfully close to the pitcher and that doesn't look like a ready position.

Ohh no Plaid Dad doesn't know his own super strength. Kelsey takes a line drive to the arm.

Dad checks for damage while Kelsey scream.

Not impressed.

If looks could kill!

Hey Dad I'll pitch to you.

Time to check on supper.

Pat and some of his buddies had a "man weekend" and spent two days in a garage making this awesome sausage. That's what I call a "Sausage Party!"

Happy Again

Olivia in a tree.

I think the cardboard brings this area up to health and safety code.

When Plaid Dad cooks like this it reminds me of Martin Picard "the wild chef" from the Food Network.

The hand-cam

Our un-official 6th kid we call him "Mike Rokochy"

That can't be legal but big brother Levi makes the rules.

Ready.....and snotty!

Even super heroes get tired. Dad and Ellie after nebulizing her. Monday morning and back to work and school after a ten day break......Not quite, we spent the morning in the walk in clinic to find out Ellie has pneumonia. No fun :( Yet again Pat dropped everything and helped me get the medication, clean the house, and made an awesome supper which ended with chocolate mouse. He melted one of the kids Easter bunnies and folded it into fresh whipped cream. That makes everything better.

This picture sums up how she is feeling. Poor Ellie has to take yucky medicine and have the nebulizer and the worst part was the chest x-ray where they had to strap her into this contraption (the role of Ellie is being played by a random baby)
And just so you know he doesn't really need the coat to be super! This was one day he suprised me with a coffee and a quick visit. He also makes the kids their school lunches! This is one of my favorite pictures of Pat and Ellie he does look great in Pink!

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