Monday, August 24, 2009


Well it has been 15 months since I bought my video camera. I have lost and found the cord to charge the camera at least three times, lost the camera a couple of times, lost my mind a couple of times but I have finally figured out how to upload the videos to my computer and now onto the net! Pentamom in HD could be scary!

Now we can forever look back on the good times...Here is Ellie's first tub.

And remember the days that weren't so good. This was one day in January when I was stuck in the house, Pat was out of town, it was 40 below and everyone was crying, the house was a mess, and there was a pile of laundry to do so instead of crying in a corner with a bottle of baha rosa I decided to video tape what a struggle being a mom at home can be. Here's to all of us who live through it.

Now to just figure out my blackberry, universal remote, digital picture frame, wireless internet................

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