Today is Father's Day and for that we definitely have to celebrate! I will be the first to admit that I am one lucky lady to be married to a guy who cooks, cleans, makes soup, bakes bread, plays with the kids, entertains friends and family and things I am gorgeous even in my dirty old beer shirt! All those things almost make up for the fact that he is golfing three days in a row this weekend! Right in the middle of his golf game yesterday I had to call him on his cel because our water heater sprung a leak and was gushing water four feet sideways! It doesn't even phase him anymore. I think he is more suprised when he drives home at the end of the day to see the house still standing! (Just look at this picture! What a hunk no wonder I keep getting pregnant who could resist that face!)

Today is also a day when I think back and remember my own Dad. This Father's Day marks the 15 anniversary of the day my Dad passed away. I know that I get a whole lot of my personality and good looks from my Dad. He was always the life of the party and quick with a joke. I think of it now that I am pregnant with our fifth child that my Dad was the youngest of five boys and I guess if my Grandma Shaw hadn't had five kids that I wouldn't be here. So I guess five kids won't be that bad after all. At least I am not having five boys in seven years. My dad was a pretty special guy and our family will always be proud of his legacy of playing for the Saskatchewan Roughriders and winning the '66 Grey Cup. They played one his old games on TSN late one night a few months back and we taped it so the kids could see their Grandpa in action. 

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