Tuesday, January 10, 2012


We did it!  Every year we seem to miss out on the birthday celebrations as we are too busy with Christmas.  This year we were making sure to commemorate our special Birthday Girl. We made up invitations to let the guests to prepare for a photo shoot and to wear something spectacular and bring accessories.  We had so much fun.

Miss K was a special guest of honor and thank goodness because in the middle of all the preparations I didn't have time to do the birthday girl's hair! 

 Looking like a princess!
 This gal is going to be such a great teacher!  She is so amazing with the kids.  She let them doll her up.  She organized the two team dance off and her performance got them the win!
 Such energy!
 If you have a young lady with a flare for fashion I highly recommend the beauty shoot birthday bash!

 I am still picking up feathers but glad we were able to have a special birthday!  I recall one birthday party we had planned for her and she came down with Chicken Pox so the invitation read: Please come to the party at 2 pm but only if you have already had Chicken Pox! 
I will be sad when she is too old or cool for Birthday Parties.  I enjoy them as much as the kids!

1 comment:

Mar. said...

What an awesome idea!