Here is the Rokochy Road show. The second annual trip out to the Clear Water Drive In Movie Theatre. Thanks to Cypress Motors and the radio station for sponsoring The Karate Kid!
The welcoming committee.


Love the screen in the middle of a prairie field and the playground equipment right there.

We have such a great group of friends. The kids all take care of eachother. This picture reminded me that Mr. T. Was one of Ellie's very first visitors. Look how they've grown!

Here they are almost two years ago!

What is with my kid and bare feet on the playground?

Good Old Saskatchewan Playground. The rock pile is fun for everyone.

Dare devil.

Kelsey are you as big as the screen?

The crew from the radio station taking in the entries for all the great give aways.

The bales are a great place to play and you can hide back there and pee too if you don't want to use the outhouse.

MMMMMM treats. I wonder how long until she spills?

Other fun waiting for the movie.

Bale jumping for the teens.

Yup and there it is spilled popcorn.

What??? Who is that lady in the picture. Oh yeah it's me. I rarely see the other side of the camera.

And guess who was the big winner of 2 tickets to the Labour day game???? Kelsey and he wants to take his Mommy! Aww how sweet.

Winner winner chicken dinner.

A big thanks to the staff of the Golden West Radio!

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