This is what happens when Dad takes you golfing at 5 am. before work. The pop in his lap spilled allover and when we got home he thought he peed his pants!

Speaking of golf, I put a team in the United Way golf tournament. Here is a picture that proves I have three friends. ( Ok one is actually my mom and I paid for her to get into the tournament)
They say pregnant ladies golf better but for sure they don't look better.

Dad and his "mini me" at the tournament
This summer I started writing my first country song. It goes like this :My water heater broke, my microwave don't work. My washer and dryer are on the fritz. My little dog Daph got run over by a truck and my hubby knocked me up for the fifth time...Something Something something...........
Well despite our mechanical errors and the fact that yes Daphne did get run over by a truck! (She is healing up nicely and has learned to walk on her front two feet) we are still having a great time. We spent a few days with Neil and Megan up in North Battleford. They were fantastic hosts! We were all excited to meet Macy Rae especially Carson!
Too Cool for School
Big sister Mia
Baby Macy Rae
The setting sun how romantic...........
Time for a makeout session.

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